Winning Within podcast episodes
The recordings on this page were made when I had the pleasure of being on the Winning Within self-development podcast hosted by Orlando Avalon. For people who don’t have Spotify I have made this page so that you can listen to those episodes directly from this website.
For anyone who does have a Spotify account or would like to make one, here is a direct link to the Winning Within podcast op: Spotify
Warning these recordings contain some very strong language so if you are easily offended this wont be for you. For everyone else enjoy! Dave.
Spiritual Alchemy session 1
Session 1 part 1: Spiritual alchemy
Session 1 part 2:
This audio has been removed at Orlando’s request
Session 1 part 3: The power of pretending
Self-realization / Consciousness
In het Nederlands:
Session 1 part 4: Conversational hypnosis and the simple recognition of what you truly are
Learn self-hypnosis – Formulate your own hypnotic suggestions (conversational hypnosis)
Apply the empowering qualities of a great hypnotic mindset
In het Nederlands:
Zelfhypnose leren – Formuleer je eigen hypnotische suggesties (conversationele hypnose)
Pas de empowerende eigenschappen van een geweldige hypnotische mentaliteit toe
Session 1 part 5: You are the Awareness in which everything happens
Self-realization / Consciousness
Awareness – Investigate the nature of who and what you truly are
Awareness – The 3 positions of “I“
In het Nederlands:
Awareness – Onderzoek de aard van wie en wat je echt bent
Awareness – De 3 posities van “Ik“
Session 1 part 6: Happiness is a choice for the mind in the here and now, for your being its what you are
Spiritual Alchemy session 2
Session 2 part 1: Choose to live in appreciation
Session 2 part 2: Mental ‘defense’ mechanisms
Session 2 part 3: Choose your definitions wisely
Spiritual Alchemy session 3
Session 3 part 1: How to easily change your perception of reality using a few simple sleight of mouth questions
Session 3 part 2: How to easily change your perception of reality using a few simple sleight of mouth questions
The 3 Sleight of mouth questions that we highlighted in these two episodes were:
If necessary, discover the rest of the belief by asking: Because?………
Reality strategy: You could ask:
How do I know that it is true now?
How would I know if it wasn’t true now?
Consequence: You could ask:
What would happen I if were to continue to believe that belief?
Is that what I want?
If no. What do I want instead?
And what actions could I take right now to help make this happen?
And what would happen I if were to take these actions now?
Counter example: You could ask:
When/ where/ with who does this happen? (if the belief suggests that it wont happen)
When/ where/ with who doesn’t this happen? (if the belief suggests that it will happen)
Some other sleight of mouth patterns that I used in these two episodes but I didn’t name were:
Metaphor: To create a metaphor you could ask:
What other situation is just like this belief and provides an empowering alternative?
You could ask:
What other situation could I compare this to?
You could also ask:
This situation is just like?……. (and notice what comes up)
Chunking up: To chunk up you could ask:
What’s important to me about believing that? (and keep asking till no more answers come or it just sounds too ridicules)
Or use it to to strengthen a new belief or idea by repeatedly asking about something that’s helping you, positive and empowering:
What will that get me? And what will that get me?
Why is that important? And why is that important?
Chunking down: To chunk down, be very specific and exact. Request precies details. You could ask:
How/ What/ Where/ When exactly?
Want to go even deeper to become a more effective hypnotic investigator? If so, go here to discover more questions and a detailed explanation of how you can turn this into a fun game: Adjust and optimize fixed thinking patterns
In het Nederlands:
Vaste denkpatronen aanpassen en optimaliseren
Spiritual Alchemy session 4
Session 4: Stay in a high vibration by doing things that resonate with you and keep adjusting your hypnotic programming so that it lines up with what your heart wants
Apply the empowering qualities of a great hypnotic mindset
Regression therapy / The inner child
In het Nederlands:
Pas de empowerende eigenschappen van een geweldige hypnotische mentaliteit toe
Regressietherapie / Het innerlijke kind
Spiritual Alchemy session 5
Session 5: Investigate the nature of who and what you truly are
Awareness – Investigate the nature of who and what you truly are
Awareness – The 3 positions of “I“
Self-realization / Consciousness
Self-realization / Hypnotherapy
In het Nederlands:
Awareness – Onderzoek de aard van wie en wat je echt bent
Awareness – De 3 posities van “Ik“
Zelfrealisatie / Hypnotherapie
Spiritual Alchemy session 6
Session 6: Feelings are not problems, they are honest subconscious signals trying to tell you something (advisors)
Apply self-love to negative thoughts (the magic secret key MSK)
Apply self-love to uncomfortable feelings (the magic secret key MSK)
In het Nederlands:
Zelfliefde toepassen op negatieve gedachtes (de geheime magische sleutel GMS)
Zelfliefde toepassen op oncomfortabele gevoelens (de geheime magische sleutel GMS)
Spiritual Alchemy session 7
Session 7: Self-love is the opposite of self rejection
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