Self-realization / Hypnotherapy

Take full responsibility for your own happiness,

get to know yourself better

and discover your own inner powers!

Self-realization (Zelfrealisatie) is the realization and perception of what is happening in you and the simple recognition of who and what you really are.

This can be experienced in different degrees and on different levels. From gaining insights, understandings or revelations in certain contexts or situations to the complete deconstruction and releasing of all mental illusions and identification with form.

Hi! My name is Dave Wright, and I am the founder of Zelfrealisatie Amsterdam, my practice for self-realization and hypnotherapy. I am a certified hypnotherapist with the International Hypnosis Association.

Hypnotherapy has been my passion and way of life for more than eleven years. I specialize in various modalities, including self-realization, self-love, regression, forgiveness, and self-reliance.

Do you want to continually realize more happiness, appreciation and well-being in life? Who doesn’t?

Do you currently have a problem, situation or challenge that is holding you back?

Are you looking for someone who can properly guide, support and help you?

If the answer is yes, with more than ten years experience I am fully motivated to help people who want to help themselves. I do this with the aid of Hypnotherapy and Awareness meditation.

Are you open to getting to know yourself better in order to gain valuable insights so that you truly empower yourself?

Are you ready to make important, powerful and permanent changes to improve the quality of your life?

If so: Click here to schedule a free 30 minute telephone/video consultation to discover the possibilities.

Self-realization – Self-love – Self-reliance

I consider ‘hypnotherapy’ as a hypnotic transformation process of self-realization and self-love in which I will help you to get to know yourself better so that you can simply solve your own problems / situations and can heal the right parts of yourself.

We will do the toughest work together and will I teach you how to do this while you do it so that you can do it independently on your own. When you regularly apply these insights and skills in your daily life, you will become your own hypnotherapist. I call this: Self-empowerment

Therefore, the core of my approach consists of these three basic elements:

Self-realization – Gaining insight into subconscious processes / natural mechanisms in your system so that you understand how they work. More info? Click here: Self-realization / Consciousness

Self love – How you interact / communicate / connect with yourself. More info? Click here: Self-love

Self-reliance – That you can apply everything you have learned with me in your daily life so that it becomes normal and automatic for you just like other skills you have learned. You will then be able to continue independently with the right mentality, understanding and methods, and you will communicate with yourself in a loving, respectful and therefore valuable way.

I’m all for the self-empowerment of people and that’s why I encourage you to learn new skills that will significantly improve the quality of your life. I do this as standard with all my clients during sessions.

On this website I have done my best to list important insights and methods together with a detailed explanation of how they work and how you can apply them too. You can do this independently without me if you wish (these pages can be found on the menu bar above each page)

Of course it is much easier to apply these insights and methods effectively if you have a lot of experience or if you do them with me, but the more you experiment with curiosity, playfulness and enthusiasm yourself the faster you can learn and the easier it becomes to heal or transform yourself. It’s that simple!

That’s how I started years ago and that’s why I now want to give you the opportunity to do it now completely free of charge by learning it from this website. So take responsibility for your own happiness and go for it and enjoy the learning process!

If you would rather have my help, you can make an appointment now for a free 30 minute telephone/video consultation and we can discuss the options. I’m more than happy to help you. Schedule a free consultation?

Hypnotherapy is using hypnosis for therapeutic purposes.

For example:

Partstherapy: Hypnotic mediating – Mediating and resolving inner conflicts and other miscommunications between the different ‘parts’ of a person’s personality.


Ideomotor communication (non-verbal hypnotic communication) – Direct communication with the body’s deeper intelligence to detect and resolve unconscious blockages.

The deeper intelligence of the body communicates in feelings (sensations and emotions) and movements and actions. This is of course non-verbal communication.

With this deeper intelligence of the body we can create a hypnotic communication system with the use of finger signals. One finger moves for “Yes” and another finger moves for “No”

The fingers then move ‘by themselves’ because the answers come from a subconscious level. This happens ‘outside’ the conscious intention of the person and bypasses the intellect (critical analytical thinking)

We then have direct access to information that is normally hidden ‘behind the scenes’ and I can find out a lot easier what is going on at a subconscious level.

I can then mediate and collaborate with this deeper intelligence of the body to solve your (unconscious) problem and allow the right parts of you to heal deeply.

This is a very powerful hypnotic communication tool that I use very often.


Regression therapy / Inner child work – A regression is the mental construction of thoughts, images, sounds and feelings of a past event or situation to gain new perspectives, insights, meanings and understandings in the here and now.

More info? Click here: Regression therapy / The inner child


Past life regression / Reincarnation therapy – This works just like a normal regression but with an emphasis on past life(s)

With a normal regression (this life) it tends to be a quick in and out experience, maybe 5 to 20 minutes each time.

With a past life the experience is much longer maybe 1 or 2 hours each time.

You don’t have to believe in past lives to use this valuable tool for personal development and positive change.

If you do not believe in past lives, you can consider a past life regression as a long-term metaphor that you experience as a daydream and is rich with insights, concepts, and perhaps even revelations about your present situation or problem.

This works just as well.


The power and magic of forgiveness 

Forgiveness is letting go of the past so that you can be happy in this future here and now.

Therefore, we can replace the word ‘forgiveness’ with the words ‘letting go’ and say: The power and magic of letting go.

Forgiveness is NOT approval or saying “We are friends now” Not at all!

Forgiveness is a simple choice between:

Happiness – Peace – Well-being – Harmony – Freedom in the Here and Now (forgive and therefore let go)

– or –

Pain – Unrest – Suffering – Conflict – Imprisonment in the past (not forgiving and therefore holding onto)

You forgive for yourself, not for the people who hurt or wronged you!

It’s about how good you feel, and how good you feel is what really matters, right?

More info about hypnotic forgiveness? Click here: The power and magic of forgiveness


Awareness meditation

Awareness meditation is the realization and observation of what is happening in your subjective experience in the here and now. It is therefore also the basis of everything you experience.

More info? Click here: Awareness meditation


Here are some examples when hypnotherapy could be used to help you.

Maybe you suffer from an inner conflict. A ‘part’ of you wants to stop a certain behaviour but another ‘part’ doesn’t. It seems like you are doing this behaviour ‘automatically’ and you find it difficult to stop. This points to an inner conflict that can be helped with hypnotic mediation. Parts therapy.

Or maybe it’s time to deal with physical, mental or emotional pain because you’ve been suffering from it for too long. You often then have to deal with difficult heavy emotions such as: Sadness. Fear. Anger. Shame. Stress. Guilt. Loneliness. Regret. And so on.

I would like to help you with this!

Sometimes it is good to take a look behind the scenes of your own system to discover what is happening.

This so that you can discover new insights, possibilities and options with which you can use your own natural abilities to optimize your own system so that you are much happier in life.

Make an appointment for a free 30 minute telephone/video consultation

To find out if I can help you and to see if we are a good fit to work together, you can schedule a free 30-minute phone/video consultation.

I believe it’s important to talk about your intentions without you having to pay for it upfront.

Maybe I can help you, maybe I can’t. That depends on what you’re looking for.

During this conversation, you can ask me any questions you have about hypnotherapy.

This way, we can have a relaxed and informal discussion about your current situation and what you’d like to achieve. Together, we can discover if we’re a good match to work together.

This consultation is completely free and comes with no obligations.

You can schedule a free 30 minute telephone/video consultation here: Schedule a free consultation?

My mission and passion

My mission in life is simple: Enjoy, appreciate and be happy.

I really like to help other people who want this too and who are ready to empower themselves by taking responsibility for their own happiness, inner peace and well-being.

I believe that everyone has the right to be happy in life, regardless of what he or she has been through in the past. That is why I offer this self-realization and hypnotherapy service.

Helping and guiding people in this way has become my greatest passion in life because I really enjoy doing it and it helps people a lot. I live for this because it gives me a strong valuable good feeling, it’s super interesting and is different and unique every time!

The hypnotherapy techniques, processes and strategies I use with other people I have used for years to improve the quality of my own life. That is why I know that when these hypnotic tools are applied correctly you can positively influence and change almost any situation in life.

Self-realization and hypnotherapy is not something I do every now and then. These skills and understandings are fully integrated into my daily life because I am constantly using them. This has been my passion and lifestyle for more than eleven years now.

I can honestly say I would do this for free because I find it so much fun and interesting. That’s when you know you found your passion!

I do my best to keep my prices as low as possible for example, by offering discount packages for people who want to do more than two sessions. More info click here: Price and Contact

This service comes from my heart and I want to thank life in this way and give something back for what I have already received, which is already a lot.

Of course I ask for a reasonable compensation for my energy, commitment, knowledge, skills and my eleven years of daily experience, but my priority is to help you.

Client reviews and experiences

You need the right mentality if you want to use hypnotherapy to help you make changes

One of the reasons I do ask for payment for my help has everything to do with your mentality. (you can learn a lot of skills from this website for free)

Often when people get something for free, they have a low appreciation for what they get. They often have the attitude: “I’ll try it” and they flirt with the idea of ​​change. This is not enough!

If you want to make powerful, important, permanent changes with the help of hypnotherapy you need the right mentality.

The right mentality is:

“I enjoy this process of change”

“How can I make the best out of this?”

“I do my best to make the best of this”

“I am curious and enthusiastic”

“I am open to getting to know myself better”

“Learning about myself is fun and useful”

“I do this for myself, not because I am being forced to by other people”

So when you are willing to pay money you are telling me and yourself:

“I am willing to invest in my own happiness and well-being”

“This is really important to me”

“I’m going for it completely”

“I am really ready to discover myself”

This is the right mentality!

This is what I want to hear and see because this is what is really needed if you really want to improve the quality of your life by using hypnotherapy. Without the right mentality you are just fooling yourself that you want to change and you are wasting your time, energy and money and I will not allow you do that with me.

More info? Click here: Apply the empowering qualities of a great hypnotic mindset

If what I say here resonates with you then have a look round this website or make an appointment for a 30 minute free telephone/video consultation. There is a lot of information to discover here. Click on the links below or above in the menu. Enjoy!

Self-realization / Hypnotherapy

Do you have a question about this subject?

Or would you like to make an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION?

If so contact me (Dave) now by using this contact form underneath or for more information click hereSchedule a free consultation?

Please note! I always reply within 2 days.

If you don’t receive an email from me within 2 days, please check your spam folder especially if you have a Gmail or Hotmail account as these accounts very often put new email addresses in the spam folder. If you give me your phone number I will app you via WhatsApp instead of emailing you.

Thanks and have a nice day!