Self-love – The heart switch
What is the heart switch and how do you use it?
The heart switch is a super simple, powerful hypnotic tool that you can use to instantly get out of your head to get into your heart so to speak.
You do this simply by consciously replacing the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ and you do this easily with one action.
You can always choose between two modes of communication. Are you communicating from your intellect? Or are you communicating from your heart? With the heart switch, you can choose for your heart every time.
So metaphorically speaking with the heart switch, you immediately turn off the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ in your thinking, while you immediately turn on the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’. This causes the meaning and feeling of the sentence to change immediately because you are now communicating from your heart instead of from your intellect (head).
In the same way that you can switch between two options in the physical world with a physical switch, you can do the same with this hypnotic tool in the electrical currents of your thinking. You switch from one mode of communication to another mode of communication. You switch from your intellect to your heart so to speak so that you can communicate directly from your heart.
In your daily life, sometimes you speak from your intellect and sometimes you speak from your heart
In your daily life, you automatically (subconsciously) switch between these two possibilities anyway. Sometimes you speak from your intellect and sometimes you speak from your heart and if you pay attention you will notice that your body clearly indicates this.
This is because the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ come from coercion, pressure and stress and you can feel this in your body, and the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ come from choices, options and relaxed freedom, and you can also feel this in your body.
You are an energy being
You are an energy being and so when something does not resonate with you, you constrict and contract. Coercion, pressure and stress do not resonate with your ‘real Self’ and therefore this is indicated as ‘uncomfortable’ in your body.
When something does resonate with you, you open up and expand just as a plant for the sun does to receive the sun’s warmth and light.
Choice, options and relaxed freedom do resonate with your ‘real Self’ because your real Self is infinite potential. Other words we can use in this context for your real self are: Your heart. Your (individual) consciousness. Your soul. The “I am.”
This is how your body’s natural mechanism works so that you do not ‘lose yourself’ in the hypnotic dream world of thinking, in which a strictly limited structured thought world of ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ exists and is also maintained.
Switch consciously and immediately from your intellect to your heart with one simple action, by replacing the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’
So the intention with this hypno-tool is that you consciously switch from one mode to the other and this can be done in one action just as you would with a light switch for example. So with one action you switch off the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ and immediately switch on the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ with the heart switch so to speak.
You switch from one option to another option, from one ‘position’ to the other. Simply put, from your intellect to your heart with one flick of the hypnotic heart switch metaphorically speaking.
This causes you to start communicating directly from your heart instead of from your intellect.
This also immediately changes the feeling and meaning of the sentence in which the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ were used because ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ come from coercion, pressure and stress and ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ come from choices, options and relaxed freedom.
Sometimes you type something into Google and Google says, “Did you mean?” and gives you other options.
You can also do this with the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ coming from your hypnotic programming or your intellect and immediately replace them with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’
That way you are communicating directly from your heart instead of from your intellect (head) because your heart doesn’t know anything about ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’.
As for as your heart is concerned, “You can do everything, you don’t have to do anything”
Your hypnotic programming
Your hypnotic programming is the information that is stored in your ‘biological computer’. In other words, the information what is in your body and mind. For example, your perceptions, beliefs, ideas, suggestions and so on.
In the beginning of your life, your hypnotic programming is basically neutral just like a hard drive in a computer. It can be programmed with the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ or ‘can’ ‘may’ and ‘could’ but more often than not because it is programmed by your parents and society there is much more of the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ than ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ programmed into it.
This is because your parents have the thankless task of teaching you what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’.
Therefore, there is a lot of “You must do this” and “You must do that” “You have to do this” and “You have to do that” “You should do this” and “You should do that” stored in your hypnotic programming according to their idea of what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong,’ and of course this might be very different from what your idea is, of what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong.
Hypnosis is another word for programming and conditioning
You have certain programming and conditioning in your computer (body and mind) that is special to you because it allows certain information through and rejects certain information. This programming and conditioning creates an experience that is special to you and we can then call this experience, ‘Your hypnosis’.
So if your hypnosis is helpful, empowering and fun, great! Don’t do anything about it. But if it’s not helping, empowering and fun, maybe it’s time to reprogram it so that the hypnotic programming aligns with the resonance of your heart because in this context your heart is your ‘real Self’.
The heart switch is a powerful hypnotic tool that you can apply regularly in your thinking to achieve this reprogramming constantly in real time.
Why would you want your hypnotic programming to align with your heart?
What would be really helpful and optimal is for your hypnotic programming to align with what your heart wants because your heart (your individual consciousness) is your ‘real Self’.
Your intellect is a mental version of your real self and when you were born it came much later and we know this for sure because generally it takes about one year for a baby to say its first word.
So for the first year of your life, there was no intellect or hypnotic programming in the form of language, but your heart (your individual consciousness) was there, just ‘being’ and perceiving without the mental commentary of the intellect.
The intellect is who you think you are at that moment and therefore for the most part your hypnotic programming is a reflection of who you think you are, or of who you were told you are by others such as your parents or society.
So in this context, your heart (your individual consciousness) is what you really are, not who you think you are. Your heart (your individual consciousness) is the conscious silent space of the here and now in which your intellect and hypnotic programming happen and they are non-verbally perceived by you, the heart.
Just as a screen allows you to perceive multiple images, so it is with your heart (your individual consciousness) because it allows you to perceive the thoughts of your intellect and the hypnotic programming.
This is because your heart (your individual consciousness) by nature is closer to ’the source’ because it came before your intellect and hypnotic programming. Your hypnotic programming mirrors back what was programmed into it, just like when you say something into a dictaphone, you hear back exactly what was spoken into it.
Your hypnotic programming in this sense works just like a mirror
Therefore, your hypnotic programming in this sense works just like a mirror, mirroring back everything that was spoken into it by the authorities in your life (for example, by your parents or guardians)
But at the beginning of your life, you didn’t say anything into it because you couldn’t speak then. Your parents (or guardians) did that for you.
Therefore, the reflections from your hypnotic programming are not true reflections of who and what you truly are. They are reflections of what your parents (or guardians) think about you. We can then call this, ‘Your mental self’.
The challenge seems to be that later in life you adjust this hypnotic programming so that it does align with your ‘real Self’ which we can also call in this context, your heart, your individual consciousness, your soul, the “I am.”
And by regularly using the hypnotic heart switch, you can easily do this over and over again in real-time until it becomes an automatic thinking pattern, and therefore just your normal way of thinking.
The process of installing this hypnotic tool
When you apply this hypno-tool regularly, the tool itself becomes incorporated into your hypnotic programming as a fixed thought pattern so that it is automatically (subconsciously) applied by your subconscious.
During that process of installation you might notice that the switching between the two options is automatically set to go back to the intellect mode of communication. This is normal because it is programmed that way.
Therefore, it is important that you choose to continue to consciously switch back to the heart mode by replacing the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ and ‘should’ with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ as often as possible.
This way, over time, your hypnotic programming will align with the natural resonance of your heart and mirror back what your heart is always saying non-verbally.
Namely, “You can do everything, you don’t have to do anything”
Why would you want to communicate from your heart at all instead of from your intellect (head)? What does it accomplish?
This is because:
‘Can’ ‘May’ or ‘Could’ are choices, options and relaxed freedom (unconditional love / your heart)
and ‘Must’ ‘Have to’ and ‘Should’ ‘ are coercion, pressure and stress (conditional love / your intellect)
Which do you prefer?
More coercion, pressure and stress in your life? (which means ‘living’ more in your head / intellect)
Or more choices, options and relaxed freedom in your life? (which means ‘living’ more in your heart )
This is the difference between conditional love (your intellect) and unconditional love (your heart)
Conditional love says, “You must. You have to. You should.”
- You MUST do what I want.
- You HAVE TO meet my conditions
- You SHOULD adapt to my ideas
- You MUST stay the way I want you to.
- I JUDGE you as being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’
Conditional love is:
- Recognition or perception with judgment
- Coercion, pressure, stress and limitations
- Conditional love comes from the intellect
- The intellect lives in the mental dream world of duality
- Therefore the intellect IS the resistance because it can fight against itself (two sides)
Unconditional love says, “You can. You may. You could.”
- You CAN do everything, you don’t have to do anything
- You MAY be as you already are, you don’t have to change for me
- I ACCEPT you as you already are, not that you are good or bad, just that you are here.
- I RECOGNIZE you without judgment
- I PERCEIVE you without judgment
Unconditional love is:
- Pure recognition or perception without judgment
- Free choice, infinite options and possibilities, relaxed freedom
- Simply your heart, your individual consciousness, your soul, the “I am”
- Your heart lives in non-duality (not two, but one)
- Your heart IS the pure allowing and therefore is totally free (to allow even the resistance) This is because it is one, so how can it fight against itself? And therefore it also cannot judge itself because you need two for that!
So from now on every time you notice your intellect or hypnotic programming thinking or saying the words “must” “have to” or “should” you can replace them with the words “can” “may” or “could” and instantly repeat the same sentence again.
This is the hypnotic heart switch because you are ‘switching’ between the two modes of communication.
Metaphorically speaking, you immediately switch off the words “must” “have to” or “should” in your thinking, while immediately switching on the words “can” “may “or “could.
Realize immediately how different you feel because you are communicating directly from your heart!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“I must go to work” you can immediately replace it with:
“I can go to work” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
Because now it has become a choice!
Note! Just because it has now become a choice does not mean that there are no consequences. There are there, but because you stay in your heart, you take responsibility for them and therefore empower yourself because you are now taking action from your heart (choices, options and relaxed freedom) instead of from your intellect / head (coercion, pressure and stress)
This is because your heart is the pure empowerment and you are your heart, not your intellect!
Your heart is what you truly are and your intellect is who you think you are.
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“You have to do everything perfectly” you can immediately replace it with:
“You may do everything perfectly” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“I must perform well” you can immediately replace it with:
“I can perform well” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“You must do your best” you can immediately replace it with:
“You can do your best” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“I must work on myself” you can immediately replace it with:
“I can work on myself” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“You must love yourself more” you can immediately replace it with:
“You may love yourself more” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“I must apply more self-love” you can immediately replace it with:
“I can apply more self-love” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“You must use the heart switch more often” you can immediately replace it with:
“You may use the heart switch more often” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
If your intellect or hypnotic programming thinks or says:
“You should do what you’re told to do” you can immediately replace it with:
“You could do what you’re told to do” to communicate directly from your heart.
Then notice instantly how different you feel!
This immediately takes the pressure off because it has now become a choice! And you are now responsible for your own happiness and inner peace in the here and now!
This is because your heart (your individual consciousness) IS the happiness and inner peace!
So every time you notice “must” “have to” or “should” in your own thinking or speech, this is your opportunity to apply the hypnotic heart switch so that you can communicate right from your heart, which at the same time will automatically adjust your hypnotic programming so that it aligns perfectly with your heart, which means more choices, options and relaxed freedom.
And the more you use this hypnotic tool, the better you feel because you stay in your heart, and the more your hypnotic programming naturally resonates on the same frequency as your heart and this feels even better every time! It’s that simple 🙂
Install now the hypnotic heart switch in your hypnotic programming with one or more of these simple conversational hypnosis suggestions
Choose one or more of these hypnotic suggestions now and say it out loud several times in a row with the sincere intention to actually do it so that it is easily incorporated into your hypnotic programming.
Repeat it over and over again anywhere, anytime with a clear intention to make it your own.
To get even more out of it, you can also use a simple deep hypnotic trance to install the hypnotic suggestion(s) even deeper into your subconscious (this is not really necessary but makes it even more powerful) Want to know more? Click here: Learn self-hypnosis -Formulate your own hypnotic suggestions
Shorter versions:
“From now on I always say ”can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ instead of ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should’ in order to constantly communicate from my heart”
“From now on I constantly replace the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should’ with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ and I immediately realize how different I feel”
“From now on I really enjoy constantly replacing the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should’ with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ because I constantly choose to keep communicating from my heart”
“From now on I easily switch from intellect mode to heart mode by thinking and saying ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ instead of ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should'”
“From now on I always communicate from my heart, instead of from my intellect by saying ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ instead of ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should'”
“From now on I can do everything, I don’t have to do anything”
Longer version:
“From now on every time I notice that my intellect or hypnotic programming is thinking or saying the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should’ I immediately repeat the same sentence and replace the words ‘must’ ‘have to’ or ‘should’ with the words ‘can’ ‘may’ or ‘could’ and I instantly realize how different I feel because I choose to keep communicating constantly and directly from my heart.”
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