Regression therapy / The inner child

A hypnotic regression is the mental construction of thoughts, images, sounds and feelings from an event or situation from the past to realize new perspectives, meanings and insights in the here and now.

Using a hypnotic regression, the “adult self” can discover the reasons for his or her current problem that is caused by past experiences.

These experiences from the past are often consciously forgotten by the “adult self” but not by the “child self” that still experiences them on a subconscious level.

The symptoms associated with the current problem are signals from the subconscious and require attention. These signals communicate that there is a deeper problem from the past “under the surface” that has not been fully perceived end processed yet.

Namely: The inner child needs help to process the past experiences that cause the current symptoms and problem in the here and now. A trauma for example. Often this can be thought of as a split or a separation of a “part” of ourselves that has been “broken off” from the whole sometime in the past by the trauma.

When this experience has been processed and released, the child can fully integrate again with the adult self so that there is no longer any split or separation. When this happens the void that was there has now been filled with that part of ourselves that was missing. This is called integration and healing.

A trauma for a child can be something simple 

A trauma for a child does not only have to be molestation or abuse. It can be something simple like losing your mother or father whilst out shopping. Wetting your pants and being laughed at, or being told in a vulnerable moment by someone with authority (for example your parents) “You are worthless” or “You are useless”

For a young child, this type of event can create a lot of intense emotions such as fear, sadness, shame, rejection etc that can be overwhelming and unfortunately remain unprocessed.

We can also use the description “The younger self” as well as “The inner child” because not all traumas happen in our childhood. Sometimes this can happen later in life, for example in the teenager or even adult years.

Because those experiences of the past have not been processed and released, certain symptoms keep coming back and this causes the problem in the here and now for the “adult self”

The symptoms of the current problem are often difficult intense emotions that need to be expressed such as anger, fear, sadness, guilt, rejection, worthlessness, powerlessness etc.

These strong emotions correspond to the same emotions that the inner child still experiences on a subconscious level and are therefore the connection between the present and the past. In other words, between the trauma of the past and the current problem.

Since this does not seem to be connected from the perspective of our intellect because it is hidden and therefore forgotten on a conscious level, the person will often say about the current problem: “I don’t know why I feel this way”

How do we experience “the past” in the here and now?

First it is good to realize that the past and the future do not exist in reality. They do exist as concepts in our imagination but not in the physical world. We cannot touch, hear or see them in the “outside world”.

The past and the future “live” in our imagination and we pretend that they are real

Since the past and the future are not perceptible in the “outside world”, this proves that the past and the future “live” in our imagination because we cannot find them anywhere else. When we talk about an event from the past or in the future, a story is made in our imagination about an imaginary self called: “I” or “Me” (or fill in your own name)

This imaginary self lives in an imaginary world that is created in our imagination from representations such as images, sounds and language.

We pretend that these situations are real but they are not real because they no longer happen in our physical world. It only happened once in the physical world but each time after that it only happens in our imagination.

These imaginary situations are experienced in our inner mental world. So they are real stories that are imagined. You could also call them “fantasies”

These imaginary situations, scenes or events are made up on the spot here and now by our creative thinking. By made up I don’t mean that lies are created but rather that they are constructed out of nothing at that time. The real situation has long passed.

The reconstruction is imagined and is therefore also a fantasy about an imaginary self, in an imaginary situation that is not happening anymore in the physical world, only in our imagination.

This reconstruction consists of representations of what happened then. We call these representations: Memories. You could also call them hallucinations because you are the only one who can perceive them. They happen in your personal inner world, so no one else can perceive them.

These representations or memories are thoughts that come in the form of images, sounds and language and they create emotions and sensations in our body.

Our creative thinking has this ability to make a mental construction of what has happened back then. But because there is a lot of information available about what happened then, this mental construction is very limited so that not too much is shown at once.

Information is then omitted, blurred, changed and also added. What we get then is not really what happened.

It is a limited mental representation of what we think happened at the time.

The mental construction is not the reality

If we forget for a moment that this mental construction is only a representation in our imagination, we can begin to experience the certain situation again as if it is happening again. This is possible with positive experiences and also negative experiences.

The body responds to the thoughts in our imagination

We then feel the emotions and sensations in our body again, because our body reacts to the thoughts in our imagination. The thoughts in our head come in the form of images, sounds and language that have to do with the particular event.

We feel these emotions and sensations again because for our body there is no past or future. The past and the future are mental concepts in our imagination and they do not exist in real life. For our body there is only the here and now.

Mental dream world

When our attention is fixed in our imagination, we can completely forget our environment and merge into our own intensive mental projection.

We experience this for example when we sleep and are dreaming.

During dreams our attention is fixed in our imagination. We forget that we dream. We think we are somewhere. Maybe we are doing something. We walk around, go to different places and meet other people and it all seems so real. But our body is asleep and it is not going anywhere. It all happens in our imagination in our head.

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The mental dream world seems so real

This is also the case with hypnotic regression. In the mental projection, it seems as if we are “going back” to the past event, but our body and experience always remain in the here and now.

We are influenced by the representations of the past and not by the event itself because the event happened only once. Every time after that it is the mental reconstruction that we suffer from.

For instance; If you have suffered a trauma.

When the trauma was happening, it really bothered you and it was undoubtedly terrible. Every time after that you are bothered by the mental construction of the thoughts, memories or representations that go with it.

This means that after the trauma has ended, you suffer from the representations about the trauma and not from the trauma itself. You experience the representations of the trauma over and over again, but the traumatic experience is long gone.

Sometimes shortly afterwards or even after years you consciously forget what happened but not subconsciously. Certain events can then “activate” this traumatic experience in the here and now because the inner child is still suffering below the surface.

What can we do about it?

We cannot change the past, but we can change the representations of the past to change perspectives and meanings.

We do this so that we can help the inner child or younger self heal and completely let go of the past to be happy in this future here and now.

In conclusion: If we are negatively influenced by the representations or events from the past, we can change the representations and therefore also how we experience the past in the here and now.

This can be done effectively with regression therapy and inner child work.

How does hypnotic regression work in practice?

We use a hypnotic regression to “go back” in our imagination to the first time that the present problem arose when the trauma occurred. You can think of this as an intensive daydream.

At the time, the inner child (the younger self) did not have the right tools in the form of wisdom, insights, life experiences, etc to handle and process the traumatic situation.

Because a traumatic experience is very intensive, the younger self (inner child) becomes “frozen” in that time and situation and is still experiencing the trauma in this “scene” on an subconscious level. It almost like it is a 3D holographic photo of the horrible event, but this 3D holographic photo also contains sounds and feelings as well as images.

The subconscious mind puts traumas under lock and key to protect you until you are able to handle them.

The subconscious puts traumas under lock and key to protect you until you are able to handle them.

Also at that time, the deeper intelligence (the subconscious) locked that traumatic situation away until a later time when the person has the right tools to handle it. Older and wiser lets say.

Because the trauma is no longer consciously remembered, it does not mean that the person is no longer bothered by it.

On the contrary, the adult self experiences this as: Relationship problems, a feeling of powerlessness, worthlessness, not being good enough, feeling guilty, anger, fear and so on (it depends on what kind of trauma it was)

With a hypnotic regression we can bring these two “Self’s” together (the inner child and the adult self)

The younger self (inner child) can communicate where the real pain lies and where it comes from, and it reminds the older self how it originated.

The adult self can then give the inner child unconditional love, new perspectives, meanings and insights based on his / her life experiences, wisdom, knowledge and the fact that he or she has survived the trauma.

The adult self has the right tools to help the younger self and knows one important fact. Namely, that the younger self has survived the traumatic situation because the younger self has now become the older self.

This allows both “Self’s” to heal by accepting and processing what has happened and therefore “merge” in harmony in the here and now. The younger self is then taken into the heart of the adult self and accepted. This means that both “Self’s” eventually find peace.

In this way, the difficult intense emotions can be expressed and also released, while all the detrimental patterns of thought related to past experiences can be changed so that the person really becomes empowered.

Our imagination – The virtual reality cinema in our head

Your imagination is just like a virtual reality cinema in your head.

Your imagination is just like a virtual reality cinema in your head.

You can consider your imagination as a “virtual reality cinema” that we have in our head. When the memories (thoughts, images and sounds) are constructed by our thinking, a “film” is made of an imaginary self called “I” (or just fill in your own name)

You, the observer of this film, can experience this film associated or distanced.

Associated means that you are in the scene as if you are the “actor” or “actress”. You see with your own eyes, you hear with your own ears and you feel with your own feelings.

Distanced means that you look at the scene from a distance and you see your “younger self” in the scene from the outside.

This is not really something special because we constantly use this mechanism throughout the day to remember what we have done, where we have left something, how we need to get somewhere, and so on.

A fun experiment

For instance. Do this fun experiment for a moment and realize what happens.

Think of a time now that was super fun for you. Something you have experienced where, for example you laughed a lot. Or when you felt so happy. Or when you were really enjoying yourself.

In your imagination (virtual reality cinema) “go back” and experience this event from the past here and now.

Remember, or in other words reconstruct the situation (scene) in your imagination and absorb yourself completely in it. Be playful. Make it a fun game and enjoy it once again

Do you have something? To help you become fully absorbed , you can answer these simple questions.

Where are you now in this scene?

When are you? (yesterday, last week, month, year?)

Is it light or dark?

Are you inside or outside?

Are you alone or with people?

What is happening?

What are you thinking about during this funny or fun event?

What kind of good feelings are you feeling during this funny or fun situation?

Why is this situation so enjoyable for you?

If you want, close your eyes for a moment and explain to yourself in present tense what is happening here and now in this scene.

For example: I see …… I hear …… I feel ……

And when you’re done, open your eyes again.

If you succeeded in getting back into the experience, my question is:

Can you now feel the emotions in your body that you felt then?

For example if it was a funny event did you have to laugh again?

Or if it was an event that really made you feel happy, do you feel happy again?

If so, realize for a moment that this event is no longer happening here and now because it already happened in the past. The reconstruction just happened in your imagination (the virtual reality cinema in your head) in the here and now.

The emotions and sensations that you feel now came from the representations that you experience in the here and now. The real event itself that you have just recreated and therefore experienced in your imagination is long gone.

Do you want to use regression therapy to heal your inner child?

We can divide this kind of transformation process into four stages to make it easier to understand. These stages are.

1. Discover insights by getting to know yourself better.

2. Express thoughts and emotions without judgement.

3. Forgiveness.

4. Complete transformation

Of course, one or more elements from any of these four stages can be found in the other stages as well. For example, you can still discover insights in any of the other three stages.

If you want to use this powerful transformation process to heal your inner child, you must be willing to experience these 4 stages. If not then I wouldn’t even begin.

1. Make a clear decision to get to know yourself better to discover important insights. Go for it completely or don’t do it at all. There is no compromise if you really want to heal.

Realize what is behind lock and key

Realize what is behind lock and key

You instruct your deeper intelligence (your subconscious) that it is now time to process the given situation(s) from the past by getting to know yourself better.

You must really want this and be convinced that you can handle it now, otherwise the old event will remain under lock and key.

The protective intelligence of your body will not just open this door for you.

It protects you for your entire life and will never stop doing this.

You really have to convince the subconscious that you can handle it now, otherwise you will not discover what is hidden there.

You must make clear to this protective intelligence that you are now old enough, wise enough and strong enough and that you have enough life experience to handle this now.

If your positive intention is honest and genuine, it will be a super interesting discovery experience for you that can reveal profound insights.

You can even discover revelations about your own system because the “shadow” side of you is revealed.

This causes deep, powerful and meaningful transformations in the here and now.

2. Make direct contact with your inner child so that certain emotions and thought processes have the opportunity to express themselves honestly without judgement. 

You respect the intense emotions associated with the situation(s). This means that you give the emotions the space, time and opportunity to express themselves fully and honestly without judging them. Everything can be said and felt. This is in fact very much encouraged. 

This means that you will most likely start to feel intense emotions and hear really harsh words and that’s okay. This is certainly allowed.

I will of course make sure that this is done in a controlled manner so that it does not become too much for you in one go. I am always there to support, guide and help you. This goes without saying.

Give unconditional love

Give your inner child unconditional love

Give your inner child unconditional love

By doing this without judgement you give your inner child (younger self) unconditional love. This is very important so that he or she can really heal and integrate again.

All children deserve unconditional love. This is pure love, total respect and complete acceptance without judgement.


If necessary, you forgive all the people involved in the particular event (trauma)

Pay attention because this is very important! Forgiveness is NOT approval or saying “We are friends now” Not at all!

Forgiveness is letting go of the past to be happy in this future here and now.

It is a simple choice between:

Happiness. Peace. Well-being. Freedom. – or – Pain. Unrest. Suffering. Captivity.

You forgive for yourself so that YOU can heal

You don’t do it for the others involved!

It is about how good you feel and how good you feel is whats really important, is it not?

In this here and now what would you prefer?

Happiness or pain?

Peace or restlessness?

Well-being or suffering?

Freedom in the here and now or imprisonment in a past that is no longer here?

Life is way too short to constantly carry past events. If things are way too heavy, let them go and free yourself from the past with the magic of forgiveness.

It is a simple choice to let go of the pain of the past so that you can experience happiness, peace, freedom and well being in this here and now.

What do you choose for?

To learn more about this hypnotic process of forgiveness and how you could do this yourself please click here: The power and magic of forgiveness

4. Complete transformation

During this process you are constantly transforming anyway.

When it is complete, the full transformation can happen because all the blockages are now gone.

You have gained enough insights.

You have said, felt and expressed everything.

You have forgiven everyone and so you have broken all connections with the past.

You have been transformed in the here and now and this positive transformation continues to develop and take shape in your life over time.

After you have done this process well, you will no longer suffer from the trauma. Strangely enough it often becomes then a powerful resource.

This is because the problem changes into important insights and understandings about yourself. Sometimes you even get multiple revelations.

My responsibility during this process is to properly guide, protect and support you so that it becomes easy, simple, effective and even fun for you and I am very happy to do this.


So to sum it up, if you linger in the past and find it hard to let go, it could probably be due to one, two or three of these recognisable elements.

1. Discover important insights: You have not yet extracted the insights from the particular situation and have therefore not yet learned what you need to learn from the situation in order to let it go. When you have discovered the right insights, you can let go of the situation from the past.

2. The complete honest expression of emotions and thought processes without judgement: Your inner child still suffers with strong emotions and thought processes that are connected to the given situation and therefore cannot find inner peace. When you have made contact with your inner child so that these emotions and thought processes can express themselves without judgement, you can leave the situation of the past behind. Expressing strong emotions and thought processes is very liberating and important so that your inner child can really heal.

3. Forgiveness: You have not yet completely and unconditionally forgiven the relevant people for what they have done in the situation. You forgive them for your benefit by breaking the connection with the past so that you can be happy in this future here and now.

When all three of these stages are fulfilled, the important insights, lessons and even revelations are integrated and so you take them with you. You leave the rest in the past.

These positive transformations are then realized and then they can continue to develop naturally.

Past life regression / Reincarnation therapy

This works just like a normal hypnotic regression but with the emphasis on a previous life(s)

With normal hypnotic regression (this life) it is usually a quick in and out experience and it may take 5 to 20 minutes at a time. This is because it is desirable to go directly to a certain situation, which is important and often uncomfortable, resolve it and then leave it behind in the past where it belongs.

Representations of the past

Representations of the past

With hypnotic regression to a previous life, the experience is much longer and it may take 1 or 2 hours at a time. This is because it is desirable to get to know the life(s) better. It is a more indirect approach and contains multiple situations that maybe are not all that important and uncomfortable. Some situations may even be enjoyable and pleasant.

* People often ask:

“Are the memories of a past life regression real?”

The answer is the same as with every memory you have experienced throughout your life. No!

Not one of your memories are real!

They are real memories (thoughts) but it is not REALLY what happened.

Just as I have already explained, memories are representations of what you think happened. Information about the specific event is omitted, blurred, changed and also added.

It also makes a difference what state of mind you are in when remembering a certain event.

With a positive state of mind you remember the positive elements easier. With a negative state of mind you remember the negative elements easier.

So it doesn’t matter if the memories are real or not, because they are not real.

What matters is what the representations mean to you.

And this is really good news! Because you can’t change what happened in the past. But you can change the representations of the past in the here and now.

This means:

You can shift your perspective to view the situation from a different angle and discover new insights.

You can change the meanings so that the situation has a different meaning for you. For example, instead of a weakness, it has now become a strength.

You can change the importance. Perhaps the event is no longer important and you can forget about it and take the important lessons with you. Or maybe it has become more important because you have gained so many insights.

In conclusion:

It does not matter so much when it comes to hypnotic regression if it is in this life or a past life.

You can always change the representations in your system about the past to improve the quality of your life in this here and now.

You don’t even have to believe in past lives to use this valuable tool for your own personal development and positive change.

If you do not believe in past lives, you can consider a past life regression as a long-term metaphor that you experience as a daydream and is rich with insights, understandings, and perhaps even revelations about your present situation or problem.

This works just as well.


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