Direct suggestion self-hypnosis
Here (below) are some helpful guidelines for writing and giving your own hypnotic suggestions and because these suggestions are written using simple conversational hypnosis you can use them with or without a formal relaxing trance.
What exactly is self-hypnosis?
In this context, self-hypnosis is a valuable skill that anyone can easily learn, so you can too! It is kind of a self-made and self-controlled daydream that feels really trusted and also familiar, because everyone at some time has been in a nice deeply relaxed state and also had a pleasant daydream.
So in that sense it’s not really anything different, but with self-hypnosis it’s different because you are now doing and creating something with your conscious intention, which normally happens subconsciously and automatically.
Why would you do self-hypnosis?
You do self-hypnosis to enjoy the deeper hypnotic peace and relaxation that you create by doing it, because it feels really good and is also super healthy for you.
You also do it to program or reprogram your biological computer with the right suggestions, which work to your advantage because self-hypnosis in this sense is actually a powerful programming tool.
This is why self-hypnosis allows you to exercise direct influence on your regular programming and conditioning. You can create, reinforce, change and also remove these inner programs if necessary so that they remain current and correspond to who you are now, or who you want to become.
Think for example about your perceptions, beliefs, behavior, skills, characteristics and so on. You can influence, update and optimize all of these with self-hypnosis and your own hypnotic suggestions.
Learn now how to go ‘diep in trance’
But before we begin formulating your own hypnotic suggestions, I’ll first teach you how to use a super simple and effective hypnotic process with induction so that you can create your own formal, relaxing, hypnotic trance. (You can also click here for much more detailed process including an audio and a written explanation about what self-hypnosis is and how it works: Learn self-hypnosis )
This so that you can effectively communicate your own hypnotic suggestions ‘personally’ and directly to your deeper intelligence (subconscious) for optimal effectiveness!
If you use the guidelines on this page to formulate your own hypnotic suggestions, an induction and a formal, relaxing, hypnotic trance is not really necessary.
But when you take 5 or 10 minutes (or more) out of your day to communicate them ‘in person’ to your deeper intelligence, you prove and make it very clear that they are really important to you.
This causes them to be treated as a priority so that the important changes can happen much faster.
The hypnotic meditation process
Step 1: Safety First
First make sure that you are in a safe situation so that you can turn your attention inward to fully immerse yourself in your own hypnotic experience. Sit or lie in a comfortable position.
Step 2: Apply pre-suggestion method
Set your positive intention for the session by saying:
(you can write this down first and read it out loud for optimal effectiveness)
“I am now going into this hypnotic trance to give myself these important suggestions, and every time I go into trance I go much easier, faster and deeper than the time before”
( YOUR OWN SUGGESTIONS HERE read aloud 3 to 5 times per suggestion, maximum 5 suggestions at a time)
(and then close with this text, also write it down and read it for optimal effectiveness)
“And during this hypnotic trance my deeper intelligence will make the correct adjustments so that these hypnotic suggestions happen easily, naturally and fully automatically. Thank you very much deeper self, much appreciated”
Step 3: Begin your hypnotic induction to create deep mental relaxation and at the same time program the hypnotic phrase “Deeper relaxed” into your subconscious
Go deep into self-hypnosis by synchronizing the hypnotic phrase “Deeper relaxed” with your breath.
Close your eyes, turn your attention inwards and relax deeper and feel good and with each natural breath, feel even better.
And focus on your breath and just before or during each exhale, say or think out loud, “Deeper relaxed” until you become completely relaxed and forget to say it, or just don’t feel like saying it anymore because your mind has become so calm and relaxed (this usually happens within a few minutes or even faster)
You can then simply enjoy the deeper hypnotic calmness and relaxation that you have created.
Step 4: Awareness meditation = Realize and observe what is happening
Be the neutral transparent observer of what is happening in your subjective experience in the here and now. You can decide how long this takes. For example: 1, 5, 10, 20 minutes or more.
(Tip: If you state how long this will take when you begin this process, you will automatically come out at that moment. For example: “I am now going into this hypnotic trance for 10 minutes to give myself these important suggestions…..”)
Then ‘Do’ nothing more ‘Just be’ and realize what is happening.
You can then just ‘BE’ because there is nothing left to do. (This then becomes an Awareness meditation. More detailed information? Go here: Awareness meditation)
Step 5: Finish the session
When you are ready to come out of the trance / meditation, you can do so in several ways. For example:
Count yourself out. Then you say or think:
“In a moment I will count from 1 to 5, and when i reach 5, I will be completely out of this trance feeling fantastic in every way” (or your own suggestion) and then count from 1 to 5 and at 5 open your eyes and repeat your suggestion.
For example:
“1-2-3-4-5, I am now completely out of this trance and I feel fantastic in every way”
Open your eyes to come out
Or instead of counting, open your eyes (as if it were a normal daydream) and say:
“I am now completely out of this trance and I feel fantastic in every way”
Formulate your own hypnotic suggestions with simple conversational hypnosis
If you are using a formal relaxing trance (like just described above)
- In general give yourself a maximum of 5 hypnotic suggestions per session.
- Write down your suggestions in your own handwriting and read them out loud before you go into self-hypnosis.
- Repeat them maybe 3 to 5 times each after each other and increase the emotional energy and enthusiasm each time so it builds up.
- Deliver your hypnotic suggestions congruently, in an enthusiastic, positive, friendly tone.
- Repeat them in future sessions until you FEEL that they have become a part of you (once or twice a day is recommended, more if you like)
During your learning process, have a positive mentality, be playful, curious and experiment. Notice what works for you and do more of that. Notice what doesn’t work so well and adjust it or just don’t do it at all.
Conversational hypnosis
The tips and guidelines that follow utilize simple conversational hypnosis elements. If you use them, your hypnotic suggestions will have the most optimal hypnotic power and effect.
This also means you can use your hypnotic suggestions with or without a formal relaxing trance.
If you use them without a formal relaxing trance you can just repeat them to yourself during the day as empowering hypnotic suggestions, affirmations or even mantras as often as you like.
The idea of using conversational hypnosis in this way is to formulate your hypnotic suggestions in such a way so you feel absolutely no resistance in your body to them.
When you say the suggestion out loud to yourself notice how it feels in your body. If it feels uncomfortable adjust it using the guidelines so that it feels neutral or positive in your body. This way the hypnotic suggestion can be accepted with absolutely no resistance by your intellect / old hypnotic programming that will try to stop anything it doesn’t agree with.
In general, always deliver your hypnotic suggestions congruently, in an enthusiastic, positive, friendly tone.
It is also highly recommended that you incorporate these simple guidelines into your normal everyday thinking patterns by using the guidelines as much as possible to create and install the most empowering and helpful hypnotic suggestions for you.
This way you always think and talk this way, which is super beneficial and empowering.
It is also recommended that you use a combination of saying them to yourself throughout the day and also utilizing a formal relaxing trance for maximum effect.
So really enjoy (re)programming your own biological system and really appreciate the positive benefits that you continue to experience 🙂
Say what you want instead of what you don’t want.
For example: “I don’t want to be stressed” becomes “I want to be calm and relaxed”
To change a suggestion from a negative to a positive ask the questions:
What do I want instead of this?
What is the opposite of this?
For example:
Sad can become Happy.
Demotivated can become Motivated.
Angry can become Peaceful.
Formulate your suggestion in the present tense as if it had already happened.
So instead of: “I want to be calm and relaxed” you say “I am calm and relaxed”
Replace the word “Want” with the word:
Use the word: “I” For example:
“I am”
“I enjoy”
“I appreciate”
“I experience”
“I feel”
“I recognize”
“I allow”
“I optimize”
“I Choose”
Use words that have real emotional power for you or / and have an emotional meaning that create good feelings.
For example: Happy. Powerful. Fun. Beautiful. Fantastic. Calmness. Tremendous. Relaxed. Pleasure. Enjoy. Appreciate. Unconditional love. Warm. Pleasant. Awesome. Peaceful. Enthusiastic. Positive. Well-being. Fulfilment. Grateful. Confident. Energetic. Connected. Creative. Flexible. Freedom. Magical. Etc.
Tip: Use your highest values in your hypnotic suggestions for maximum power and effect. If you don’t know what they are you can ask these questions in relation to what you would like to realize, change or achieve:
“What would that get me that’s important to me?” and then “What would that get me that’s even more important than that?”
Keep asking these questions until you get to your highest value and nothing is more important than that. Make a note of all the emotional words you discovered in the process and use them in your hypnotic suggestions.
For example: Lets imagine that you would like to become 10 kg lighter. You could ask:
“If I would be 10 kg lighter what would that get me?” Answer: “I would feel more energetic and confident about myself”
“And if I would feel more energetic and confident about myself what would that get me that’s even more important?” Answer: “I would just feel healthier and better in general”
“And if I would just feel healthier and better in general what would that get met that’s even more important?” Answer: “I would be more motivated to try new things”
“And if I would be more motivated to try new things what would that get me that’s even more important?” Answer: “More freedom and enjoyment”
“And if I would have more freedom and enjoyment what would that get me that’s more important?” Answer: “Freedom and enjoyment are the most important”
You can then collect all the most important words from your answers like “energetic, confident, healthier, better, motivated, freedom, enjoyment” and use these words in your hypnotic suggestions!
For example: “I enjoy eating healthier foods and exercising because this makes me feel more energetic, motivated and confident to try new things which means I experience continually more freedom and enjoyment”
These are words like: And. As. Because. Which means. Causes. Makes. Helps. Ensures. That’s why. Therefore. Etc.
Here is a powerful simple structure you can use:
“(suggestion) because (suggestion) which means (suggestion)”
Example: “I really enjoy learning to do self-hypnosis because it helps me to connect deeply with my inner powers which means I keep realizing my full potential”
Use the magic words: “From now on” to leave the past in the past.
Your real life is here and now, not in a reconstruction / hallucination about the past.
Let go of the past with: “From now on ……”
For example:
“From now on I allow myself to enjoy more and more happiness every day”
Give your suggestion space to develop and to become stronger by using words such as:
Increasingly. More and more. Even more. Even better. Even stronger. Continually. Constantly. Keep. Etc.
For example:
“I feel increasingly more calmer and relaxed”
“I really enjoy helping others more and more every day”
“I continue to realize my full potential as I keep learning even more”
AWARENESS: Use words like:
Discover. Realize. Perceive. Recognize. Aware. Allow. Feel. Notice.
For example, changing “I am worthless” to “I am valuable” might be too much in one go. Then you can say:
“From now on I recognize more and more value in myself”
Changing “I have no talents or skills” to “I have many talents or skills” you could say:
“From now on I continue to discover my many hidden inner talents and skills”
Changing “I feel powerless” to “I feel empowered” you could say:
“From now on I feel increasingly more empowered”
This means, if your suggestion is about calmness, say it in a calm way. If its about enthusiasm, say it in an enthusiastic way. And so on.
In general, always deliver your hypnotic suggestions in an enthusiastic, positive, friendly tone.
Write down your suggestions in your own handwriting and read them out loud before you go into self-hypnosis.
This activates more neurons in your brain and reinforces your suggestions.
This means multiple “departments” in your biological system receive the same communication at the same time.
This way, not only are you thinking them but also seeing, hearing and speaking them at the same time.
This means that all the cells, muscles and nerves in your eyes, ears, lips, mouth and vocal chords are being stimulated with the same information.
Also because you have written them down, this also applies to the muscles, cells and nerves in your hand, arm and shoulder.
They all cooperate in passing on your important hypnotic suggestions.
This makes your hypnotic suggestions much more powerful!
Before you go into self-hypnosis ask yourself these questions and pay attention for a congruent YES!
Do I love this suggestion?
Does this suggestion give me a good feeling?
Does this suggestion make me feel happy?
Am I excited to give this suggestion to myself?
If so? Great! Use self-hypnosis and deliver it congruently!
If not? Adjust the suggestion until it resonates congruently with you and makes you feel good or at least better than without it.
Before you go into self-hypnosis, test the suggestion first and notice how your body responds / reacts to the suggestion.
Say the suggestion out loud and be aware of how your body responds / reacts to it.
Notice if there is any tension, stress or a negative feeling, or something that says “No this does not feel right”?
If so, adjust your suggestion until you get a good or neutral feeling in your body.
Do you get a thought that says “No this is not right” or “Nonsense” or something like that?
If you get this kind of thought without a negative feeling, stress or tension that’s okay, you don’t really need to adjust anything.
Negative thoughts without an emotional reaction / response are very weak and can be easily overpowered by new powerful beneficial suggestions.
If you feel a negative feeling, stress or tension in your body that comes with the thought, adjust your suggestion until you get a positive or neutral feeling.
When you’ve made the correct adjustments and the suggestion feels good use self-hypnosis and deliver it directly and congruently.
It is recommended that you make use of these conversational hypnosis suggestions to accelerate and improve your self-hypnosis learning process
Here are some examples of conversational hypnosis suggestions that you can use to speed up and improve your self-hypnosis learning process.
You can write down these conversational hypnotic suggestions and say them out loud regularly, outside or within a standard relaxing hypnotic trance, as just explained on this page.
“From now on, I am powerfully motivated to learn and do conversational hypnosis because it is super empowering to do so, which means that I easily and naturally remember and recall all the relevant information about it when I need it.”
“From now on I begin to realize that I program my biological computer increasingly easier with the right conversational hypnotic suggestions, which work to my advantage because self-hypnosis is actually in this sense a powerful programming tool, and I keep realizing this again and again.”
“From now on, I start to realize that I can have directed influence on my fixed programming and conditioning with conversational hypnosis, and that’s why I love doing this.”
“From now on I begin to realize that I can increasingly easier create, strengthen, change and also delete my inner programs as necessary with conversational hypnosis so that they remain up to date and match up with who I am now, or who I want to be now.”
“‘From now on I begin to realize that I can influence, update and optimize my perceptions, beliefs, behaviors, skills, qualities, and so forth with conversational hypnosis, and that’s why I do it regularly with increasing pleasure.”
“And the more I experiment with conversational hypnosis, the more fun it becomes, and the more fun it becomes, the more motivated I am to use conversational hypnosis to significantly improve the quality of my life.”
Here are some template suggestions you can use. Just fill in the behaviour, emotion or description yourself.
If it works better for you, you can start any of the following suggestion structures with:
“From now on…..”
“From now on I start to realize that (feeling/ skill/ quality/ etc)”
“From now on I start to realize that I am becoming happier and happier”
“From now on I start to realize that it is becoming increasingly easier to formulate empowering hypnotic suggestions”
“From now on I start to realize that my social skills are getting better and better”
“The more I (behaviour) the better I feel”
“The more I give myself unconditional love the better I feel”
“The more I recognize my own self worth the better I feel”
“The more I believe in myself the better I feel”
You can create a powerful loop like this:
“The more I (behaviour) the better I feel and the better I feel the more I (behaviour)”
“The more I give myself unconditional love the better I feel and the better I feel the more I give myself unconditional love”
“The more I recognize my own self worth the better I feel and the better I feel the more I recognize my own self worth”
“The more I believe in myself the better I feel and the better I feel the more I believe in myself”
“The more I (behaviour), the more (emotion) I feel, because (description)”
“The more I do self-hypnosis the happier I feel because I connect even deeper with my inner self”
“The more I study the more I feel fulfilled which helps me constantly realize my full potential”
“The more I train the more I feel energized which means I am increasingly healthier”
“Every time I do (behaviour) I feel even more (emotion) than the time before”
“Every time I do self-hypnosis I feel even more happy and connected with myself than the time before”
“Every time I am in social situations I feel even more relaxed and confident than the time before”
“Every time I do an important task I feel even more fulfilment and satisfaction than the time before”
“I allow myself to feel increasingly more (emotion) every day”
“I allow myself to feel increasingly more joyfulness every day”
“I allow myself to feel increasingly more appreciation and thankfulness every day”
“I allow myself to feel increasingly more inner peace and well being every day”
“I choose ……………”
“I choose to be increasingly more loving, kind and appreciative”
“I choose to let go of the past in order to be increasingly happier in this future here and now”
“I choose to make important changes that empower me and greatly improve the quality of my life”
If you want to stop a certain behaviour you can use this structure:
“From now on every time I refuse to (behaviour) I feel increasingly more (emotion + description)”
“From now on every time I refuse to smoke I feel increasingly more calmer and relieved”
“From now on every time I reject sweets I feel increasingly happier and energized”
“From now on every time I stop biting my nails I feel increasingly more relaxed and focused”
“I enjoy refusing to (behaviour) because this makes me feel good”
“I enjoy refusing to smoke cigarettes because this makes me feel good”
“I enjoy refusing to eat sweets because this makes me feel good”
“I enjoy refusing to say negative things because this makes me feel good”
“I enjoy (doing new behaviour) instead of (doing old behaviour) because this makes me feel better”
“I enjoy going for a walk instead of looking at Facebook because this makes me feel better”
“I enjoy being creative instead of being bored because this makes me feel better”
“I enjoy drinking water instead of alcohol because this makes me feel better”
“The more I try to doubt the effectiveness and strength of these hypnotic suggestions, the stronger and more effective these powerful suggestions become, and therefore the better they work”
“Form now on every beneficial suggestion that I perceive doubles the strength of every other beneficial suggestion before it”
“The more I experience these positive beneficial suggestions the more powerful they become”
General examples of hypnotic suggestions for well-being, happiness and pleasure:
Being happy and enjoying
“I really enjoy doing things that make me feel good.”
“I welcome and allow more and more joy and happiness into my life.”
“Every day I feel even better than the day before because I allow this.”
“I am increasingly more happier, joyful and relaxed with each new day that arrives.”
“I continually laugh, joke and enjoy the funny side of life because this makes me feel good inside.”
“I allow myself to appreciate the simple things in life because it continuously makes me happier.”
“I am neutral, transparent, flexible and creative and therefore increasingly happier.”
Being aware
“I continue to recognize my own inner worth and useful skills.”
“I keep discovering my inner strengths and recognizing my true self worth.”
“I continue to notice and appreciate all the good things I have and experience.”
“I am constantly discovering my own inner talents and magical abilities.”
“I am becoming increasingly aware of an infinite deep inner peace and joy inside that keeps naturally expanding“
“I recognize, respect and accept all my true feelings without judgment.”
“The more I realize that I am unconditional love, the happier I am.”
“I perceive reality through the filter of unconditional love, respect, freedom and humor.”
Realizing your full potential
“I continue to realize my full potential easily, naturally and fully automatically.”
“I am constantly optimizing my full potential by connecting naturally with my deepest values.”
“I allow my instinct, intuition and intellect to work together powerfully to help me keep realizing my positive intentions”
“I really enjoy helping others make powerful, important and meaningful changes in their lives.”
“I am constantly developing more and more insights, understandings and skills to help myself and other people.”
The here and now
“I am the conscious silent space of the here and now.”
“I am the here and now which means that the future and the past appear in me.”
“I learn from the past, plan for the future, and live in the here and now.”
“I constantly enjoy and appreciate the here and now.”
Forgive and let go
“I find it easier and easier to forgive people because I choose enjoyment and inner peace in this here and now.”
“I constantly allow situations to freely come and go because I recognize, respect and accept ‘what is’ without judgement”
“I find it increasingly easier to let things go, because I am open and flexible.”
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