Awareness meditation
What is an Awareness meditation?
Awareness is that in which every experience appears, happens and disappears.
Awareness is that with which every experience is perceived.
Awareness is that out of which every experience is made.
It is the source of our consciousness
and is therefore the core and the essence of who and what we really are,
and therefore every meditation is a natural process of
discovering, perceiving, observing, recognizing and self-realisation
in Awareness, by Awareness and out of Awareness.
An Awareness meditation doesn’t have any rules.
It has just one goal
and this is the realisation and observation
of what is happening in your subjective experience in the here and now.
With every specific implementation there maybe one of more guidelines,
but these are only guidelines, not rules.
These guidelines are meant for the mind
and they help your attention to continually focus easier in the here and now
while you, Awareness,
realize and observe what is happening in the silent space of the here and now.
Awareness can also be called:
Consciousness or the ability to perceive or to realize, and it is not something that we do.
Awareness is that with which we constantly experience en therefore also that which we are.
We don’t have to do anything to experience it because it just happens by itself.
It happens totally automatically and this is true for all of us.
This is why Awareness is the core and the essence of who and what we really are
and this simple recognition is actually what its really all about.
Realize that your are constantly realizing
and perceive that you are continually perceiving.
This is the deepest realisation.
In other words.
Be aware of the fact that you are aware.
This deepest truth is the foundation on which all manifestations are built
and this is also easy to prove because its impossible for us to turn off our ability to perceive.
We just cant do it because this is how we experience the world in our own natural way.
This ability to be aware, which is what we really are,
is neutral, transparent, constantly active and never changes its nature.
We are therefore the conscious silent space of the here and now,
in which every temporary form appears, happens and disappears.
We can call these temporary forms that continually come and go:
Images, sounds, thoughts, emotions, sensations etc.
Without this natural ability to perceive, which is what we actually are,
we can’t perceive anything in our subjective experience.
This is obvious
and it ensures that we can continually realize what is constantly happening in the here and now.
This is why it is impossible for you to fail with this sort of meditation.
The only goal of the meditation is to realize and perceive
and this happens anyway without any personal effort or intention.
Awareness is therefore the timeless source of all manifestations
and every other temporary happening comes after it.
Take into consideration that this explanation is trying to describe to you
that which is outside of the limitations of language
because the description of the experience is not the experience itself
And if we try to explain this deeper understanding with the limitations of language
then its seems like that this deeper understanding is superficial and also vague
because every description is only a representation of what really is.
In our subjective experience we can go much deeper under the mental surface
where all mental illusions can fully break away and disappear
But don’t believe a word that I say, test this for yourself.
Take a deep conscious breath in…….. and breathe out slowly and relax deeper
Take a step backwards
and allow your awareness to expand in every direction in the endless nothingness.
Realize constantly that you are constantly realizing
and be the conscious, formless presence in the here and now because you are already this,
and from out of this free, open, neutral perspective
get to know your subjective experience better.
Perceive that you are constantly perceiving
and discover what is really true for you.
How do you ‘do’ an Awareness meditation?
The answer is simple: Relax and do nothing while realizing and observing what is happening. You are not the “doer” of the meditation then. You are the “observer”
In this way the “doer” can be perceived for what it actually is, a thought, and all that remains is Awareness meditating (meditation actually means “to get to know”)
So Awareness (You) get to know everything that appears, happens and disappears in the here and now. We can then say: An Awareness meditation is actually not a “doing” It is a “Being”
Awareness meditation is not done so that you feel better or you feel worse. It is not done to change or improve things (this is what we have hypnosis/hypnotherapy for)
It is not a skill that you can develop which means that you cannot get better or worse at it. This is because your ability to be aware remains constant and never changes. Only the things that are temporarily perceived keep changing.
An Awareness meditation is therefore used only to realize and perceive what is happening in the here and now, nothing more, nothing less, and because of this new insights can easily be discovered and realized.
To experience a simple Awareness meditation here and now ask yourself one of the simple questions at the bottom of this page.
The easiest question is: “What’s happening here and now?”
After you have asked the question, take a step back and let your sense of awareness expand in all directions in the endlessness of space. Allow the answer to emerge out of your experience instead of out of an intellectual explanation in the form of words and language.
If thoughts come anyway in the form of words and language, that’s okay, realize this, and automatically take a step back by realizing it.
View the thoughts and thinking processes from “outside” The thoughts are “there” and you are “here” The thoughts are perceived and you are the perceiver.
Observe them from a distance and give them no further interest or authority. Notice the silent space in which the thoughts appear.
Observe the silent space in which every image, sound, feeling and thought appears, happens and disappears.
And just for fun pretend that you have no body or mind. You are the Awareness in which the body and mind appear.
Stay quiet and relaxed. Stay neutral and transparent. Stay aware and observe.
Be the conscious, shapeless presence in the here and now and be continually aware of what is happening.
Realize: What thoughts, emotions, sensations, images and sounds pass by because they are all visitors in your home.
And where is your home? In the “Here”
And when do they come to visit? “Now”
So be hospitable and welcome any temporary event into your home with unconditional love.
Everything that is perceived becomes part of the meditation and it doesn’t matter what it is.
This means if a series of “negative” thoughts or feelings appear in the silent space of the here and now, that’s okay! Allow them to be because this event has now become part of your meditation. Observe it.
And if a series of “positive” thoughts or feelings are present in the silent space of the here and now, but begin to disappear, that’s okay! Let them go because this event has now become part of your meditation. Observe it.
It doesn’t matter what happens because everything that is perceived automatically becomes part of the meditation. Its that simpel!
As you continue to realize and perceive, if necessary allow your mind repeat the question several times in succession about every 30 seconds or so and realize what is happening. Be playful and experiment for a while.
Do not try to judge, hold, stop or change anything. Just observe, nothing more.
Because only the “doer” would try to judge, hold or block something. The “doer” is actually a thought in thinking. The “observer” is Awareness (You). So be aware of how thinking processes are active in you.
Continue to observe the silent space in which every image, sound, feeling and thought appears, happens and disappears.
You don’t have to focus your attention on something and keep it there like you do with almost every other type of meditation. You can if you want but it is not necessary. Awareness meditation is actually a relaxation of focus and concentration.
Focusing and keeping your attention on something is for thinking. Realizing and perceiving is for Awareness.
If you still want to focus your attention on something, listen to the silence and look into the space. Or listen to the space and look into the silence and realize what is happening in the here and now.
That way your focus of attention is much broader and relaxed because the silent space is, everywhere and always, all at the same time.
Just relax and be the conscious, shapeless presence in the here and now because you are already this and allow everything to come, allow everything to go and allow everything to be just as it is without judgement. This is unconditional love for ‘what is’
“Realize that you are constantly realizing, and perceive that you are continually perceiving. This is the deepest realization! In other words, become aware of the fact that you are aware” You could call this “Enlightenment” or “Waking up”
Do you want to experience an Awareness meditation right now? You can use this short audio to start you off. When it finishes (duration 1:38) just continue to realize what’s happening in the here and now, enjoy!
Awareness meditation: “What’s happening… in this… here and now?”
This following audio was taken from a much longer recording during a session. I cut this part out and made it into an Awareness meditation, enjoy! (duration 6 min)
Awareness meditation – Happiness is your natural state
Here are several simple meditation questions. Be playful, experiment and enjoy:
“What is happening here and now?”
“What am I realizing here and now?”
“What am I perceiving here and now?
These next questions direct your attention back to the source of its origin. It is the simple recognition of what you actually are at the deepest level. Ask yourself one or more of these meditation questions regularly throughout the day and realize what happens.
Do I realize that I am constantly realizing?
Am I perceiving that I am continually perceiving?
Am I aware of the fact that I am aware?
“Who is observing this? Who is this I”
(Really think about the question and absorb yourself in it. Notice the silent space before and after the answer, and allow your attention to be deeply relaxed in this silent space. Continue to enjoy the mental and emotional calmness and relaxation)
Who is asking these questions? Who is this I?
(Really think about the question and absorb yourself in it. Notice the silent space before and after the answer, and allow your attention to be deeply relaxed in this silent space. Continue to enjoy the mental and emotional calmness and relaxation)
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