Apply Self-Love to Negative Thoughts (and Old Programming / Conditioning) with the Magic Secret Key (MSK)

One of the most powerful phrases you can use to embrace a thought, feeling, or experience is:

  • “….. and that is okay”
  • “….. and that is allowed”

What This Phrase Really Means

In the context of self-love, this statement actually means:

  • “….. and that is recognized”
  • “….. and that is perceived”

When you say these words, your intellect and your heart experience the phrase in different ways:

  • Your intellect hears the word “okay” as a judgment because it lives in duality (two). This can evoke resistance if the intellect disagrees.
  • Your heart hears the statement as a neutral acknowledgment. It knows no judgment, as it lives in non-duality (one). Therefore, it offers no resistance to ‘what is.’

This allows us to use these simple words to recognize, neutralize, and heal negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and old hypnotic programming.

What is the Magic Secret Key (MSK)?

The MSK is a simple phrase that articulates what your heart always says non-verbally:
“That is recognized” or “That is perceived.”

Secret: Because few people know how powerful these simple words can be.
Magical: Because, when applied correctly, it can neutralize negative thoughts, heal painful feelings, and transform old conditioning.
Key: Because it can unlock mental defense mechanisms and provide access to deeper layers of your subconscious.

When You Apply the MSK Correctly

When you apply the Magic Secret Key (MSK) correctly with unconditional love (self-love), you remain neutral and transparent. This means that you offer absolutely no resistance to what is.

Perspectives of Truth

Perspectieven van de waarheid

With the MSK, you do not stand for or against a perspective. You embrace neutrality and transparency by simply recognizing/perceiving ‘what is.’

A Perspective is not “the truth,” but merely “one truth” within a multitude of truths.

In the image (on the right), you see two different perspectives simultaneously. Each perspective reveals a reflection, and although those reflections differ, they are both valid. Neither perspective is “the truth,” but they are each “a truth.”

With the MSK, you do not stand for or against a perspective. You embrace neutrality and transparency by simply recognizing/perceiving ‘what is.’

You acknowledge that each ’truth’ merely reflects a part of the greater whole, without offering resistance or clinging to it.

This is the power of unconditional acceptance (recognition) and the magic of perspective.

How Does It Work?

When you consciously say:

“….. and that is okay” … and truly mean it, you remain in a state of neutrality and transparency.

  • This is not a judgment ‘okay’ as the intellect understands it.
  • This is an acknowledgment ‘okay’ as the heart understands it: pure perception without judgment.

By adopting this attitude, you offer no resistance to what is.

You accept reality as it unfolds in the moment, without judgment or struggle. This process opens the door to inner freedom and a deep connection with the Here and Now.

Important Note!

The word “okay” or “allowed” can trigger the intellect because it interprets these words as a judgment: “It is okay, it is not okay,” “It is allowed, it is not allowed.”

But precisely because of this, you can consciously bring forth negative resistance in the form of thoughts or feelings. You bring them out of the darkness of your subconscious and into the light of your conscious attention.

Once you stay in your heart (instead of in your head), you connect with these thoughts from unconditional love. In your heart, you are in non-duality, where pure recognition and perception without judgment take place.

What Can You Expect?

At the beginning of this process, you may notice that more negative thoughts arise. This is completely normal.

Continue to apply the MSK playfully, as if you are playing a game. Over time, you will notice that the number of negative thoughts decreases. One by one, they are neutralized with unconditional love until they gradually disappear.

The intention is to connect with the thoughts with unconditional love in the here and now.

The goal is simple: connect with your thoughts with unconditional love in the here and now, and that is all.
By doing this, you automatically neutralize these thoughts. How? By remaining neutral yourself and staying in your heart instead of identifying with the content of the thoughts in your thinking.

Thoughts Are Hypnotic Suggestions

Thoughts are nothing more than hypnotic suggestions. When you simply accept the content, they can hypnotize you. That is why it is crucial to recognize and respect that they are merely thoughts.

There is no need to cling to what they say or to believe that their content is truth.

  • Recognize Them: See them as thoughts, not as facts.
  • Respect Them: Acknowledge their presence without judgment or resistance.

This means that you do not argue with them or try to push them away. You continue to observe without judgment, simply because this is unconditional love.

It Is Not About Eliminating Thoughts in the Future

The goal is not to reach a future moment where all your thoughts have disappeared. This would be conditional love and works against you, as it is the opposite of unconditional love.

In the beginning, this is a common pitfall. It may seem as if you are using the MSK with a hidden agenda: “I accept this thought now, but only so that I can get rid of it in the future.”

If you do this, it seems as if you are telling the thought:

  • “I do not listen to you because I do not respect you and want to get rid of you because you are a problem.”

Instead of:

  • “Regardless of whether I agree with you or not, I recognize you and communicate with you with mutual respect.”

Another MetaphorHand tekent hand

Misusing the MSK is like trying to write with the back of a pen. When you complain that the pen doesn’t work, it’s not the pen’s fault, but rather the way you are using it.

However, when you use the pen point – the right intention and approach – you will notice how smoothly and effortlessly everything works.

Apply the Pure Form of the MSK

When you notice that the words “okay” or “allowed” trigger too many thoughts, you can apply a pure form of the Magic Secret Key (MSK). Instead, use the words “recognize” or “perceive.”

This works because, as long as you actually recognize or perceive the thought or feeling, your intellect cannot deny it. The intellect cannot say it is untrue and therefore cannot offer resistance.

Thus, the MSK remains powerful and effective because you apply it correctly!

Applying the MSK to Feelings

The MSK is not only effective for thoughts but can also be applied to uncomfortable feelings – which your intellect might label as negative or bad.
Want to know more? Click here: Apply self-love to uncomfortable feelings

Conditional Love or Unconditional Love?

Conditional Love is Judgment
Conditional love means that you must meet certain requirements to receive love. If you do not meet these requirements, you receive no love – this is ego or mental love. It is based on performance, success, or achieving something.

For example:

  • If you do well, you receive love, attention, appreciation, or even a ‘cookie’ as a reward.
  • If you do poorly, you receive no love, no attention, and no appreciation.

Unconditional Love (Self-Love) is Pure Recognition Without Judgment
Unconditional love means that you receive love regardless of what you do or have. It is like a screen that has no judgment about the image that appears on it. The screen recognizes everything without right or wrong, just like your heart, which does not judge. It gives unconditional love to all feelings and thoughts that arise.

Mental Prison or Palace?

This method is powerful, especially when working with old programming and conditioning that keeps you trapped in a mental prison from the past.

It does not become a mental prison if the programming and conditioning align with who you want to be. In that case, it is a mental palace, where you are the king or queen of your subconscious. It is essential to keep your programming current and adjust it where necessary so that it aligns with who you want to be now and who you want to become.

Self-Hypnosis and Self-Love Tool

This method combines self-hypnosis and self-love into one powerful tool. It helps you neutralize old conditioning and hypnotic suggestions in the here and now.

You do this by recognizing, acknowledging, respecting, and accepting the old programming without judgment, censorship, or limitations. This is the essence of unconditional love:
You do not say that the thoughts are right or wrong – you recognize them and say:

  • “You are allowed to be as you are.”

If you have questions, let me know via the contact form at the bottom of this page!

Self-Love Meditation

Everything is okay: “And it is okay that you say that.”

Find a comfortable position, whether you are sitting, lying down, or standing. Close your eyes or keep them open (closing them is easier). Perceive what is happening in your system in the here and now. This can be spontaneous, or you can ask yourself the question:

  • “What is happening in me here and now?”

You can relax, remain still, and simply say nothing. Continue to be aware and perceive what is happening in the here and now – this is an Awareness meditation. Want more info? Click here: Awareness meditation

If you wish, you can expand this meditation into a Self-Love meditation. Start from your heart and respond to what is happening with the following phrases:

Thoughts: “And it is okay that YOU say that” or “It is okay to think this.”
Feelings: “And it is okay that YOU feel that” or “It is okay to feel this.”
Events: “And it is okay (that this happens)” or “It is okay to experience this.”

By consciously responding to the thoughts, you program this response into your subconscious, allowing you to respond in a fully automatic (subconscious) manner afterward.

  • Respond = Conscious (manual) action.
  • React = Subconscious (automatic) action.

So consciously respond with unconditional love from your heart if you want to actively guide this process. Afterward, it becomes an automatic reaction from your subconscious programming because you have programmed it that way.

This is a recognition okay, not an approval or judgment.

Note! This is NOT an approval or judgment with the word ‘okay.’
This is the simple recognition, respect, and acceptance that these observable facts have happened or are happening.

It is also a confirmation that you are not the thoughts, feelings, or events.
You are the perceiver of the events.

In other words:
The Awareness. The Perceiver. The Spectator. The Consciousness.

You are ‘here,’ and those things are ’there,’ metaphorically speaking. They come and go continuously.

  • Do you come and go?
  • Or are you constantly established in the here and now?
  • Are you a thought, emotion, or sensation?
  • Or are you the observer of that thought, emotion, or sensation?

Life has already determined that:

  • Thoughts are thought.
  • Images are seen.
  • Sounds are heard.
  • Feelings (emotions and sensations) are felt.
  • Events happen.

If something has already happened, there is no point in resisting it.
Do not try to go against life, for life always wins.

The Purpose of Using the Magic Secret Key (MSK) is to Be Okay with What Happens in the Here and Now!

This is so important that I am going to repeat it over and over again!

The purpose of using the Magic Secret Key (MSK) is to be okay with what happens in the here and now!

It is not to change things into what the intellect thinks should happen so that it can be happy later.

It is also not to strive for an end result in the future such as:

  • ‘now I am completely free’
  • ‘now I have achieved inner peace’
  • ‘now I am enlightened’
  • ‘now I am healed.’
  • Because these are also thoughts that the intellect thinks, and these imaginary places do not exist.

They are mental illusions that the hypnotic seller (the thinking/intellect) tries to sell you. They are just ideas and hypnotic suggestions, and if you fall for them and identify with the thoughts, you will endlessly spin in the duality of thinking. You will constantly search for mental illusions in an imaginary future, and when you think you have found them, it will only be temporary because they are just ideas.

The real inner peace that the intellect seeks is what you actually are and is therefore free from the duality of thinking that creates this duality.

That is why it is always accessible in the here and now by simply recognizing it, and it can easily be recognized when you are just okay with whatever thoughts arise because the thoughts no longer define ‘who’ you really are or what you should do.

In this way, it does not matter if the thoughts are negative or positive. It also does not matter what they say and how they talk to you, because you are okay whether they are there or not, and thus you experience inner peace in the here and now.

So the purpose of using the MSK is simply to be okay with what happens in the here and now, even if the intellect does not find it okay (which is also another thought). Thus, the experience of connecting with the thoughts and recognizing them without judgment is the goal.

This means making a connection with any thought without judging the thought as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’

The thoughts are then constantly recognized (perceived), respected (that they are allowed to be), and accepted (not that they are good or bad, but that they are). This is true self-love, unconditional love for ‘what is’ or, in other words, for what is happening.’

The goal of using the MSK is therefore always in the here and now.

It is NOT to achieve an end result in the ‘not here’ and the ‘not now’!

In this way, it does not matter to you whether they are there or not, because you remain outside the duality of thinking, and at the same time, you remain neutral and transparent in the non-duality of your heart. This is because your heart knows nothing about judgment, for you are actually your heart and not your intellect.

A definition of happiness is: Experience without resistance to ‘what is’ (what is happening).

When this is passive, it is experienced as ‘inner calm,’ and when it is active, it is experienced as ‘enjoyment’ because there is NO resistance to ‘what is’ (what is happening).

So by using the Magic Secret Key at any moment, you can remove any resistance to ‘what is’ by applying unconditional love (self-love) by saying:

  • “….. and that is recognized”
  • “….. and that is perceived”
  • “….. and that is okay”
  • “….. and that is allowed”

The Heart Resonates Only, Without Judging

When you apply the Magic Secret Key (self-love) to these kinds of thoughts, it will neutralize them over time, but this is NOT the reason to use it.

The reason to use it is simply to be okay with any thought that the intellect thinks in the here and now. In this way, you do not have to wait for another moment in the future (in the ‘not here’ and the ‘not now’) because you can recognize and thus experience inner calm here and now, regardless of which thought has been thought.

In this way, your inner peace or happiness is not determined by anything that a thought says.

This is because when you stay in the heart, you remain neutral, as the heart knows nothing of judgment or offering resistance. You simply resonate magnetically with whatever you are resonating with at that moment without making anything else ‘wrong’ that does not resonate with it.

The intellect judges and therefore resists what it thinks is ‘wrong.’

It is the intellect that judges its own thoughts as ‘wrong’ because it lives in duality (two). One part judges the other.

For example: A thought might say: “If I get rid of the resistance, I will be happy and have inner peace.”

So what it is actually saying is: “If I get rid of myself, I will be happy and have inner peace!”

This is because the intellect IS the resistance!

And that is why it will endlessly spin in circles in the mental labyrinth trying to get to the ‘not here’ and the ‘not now’ because it thinks it is better there than in the ‘here and now.’ Ironically, the imagined ‘not here’ and ‘not now’ also happens in the ‘here and now.’

The Intellect May Try to Hijack the Magic Secret Key

The intellect may try to hijack the Magic Secret Key and use it to ‘fix’ everything it has judged as ‘wrong.’

Initially, your intellect will likely try to use this powerful hypnotic tool to change things into what it thinks they should be. This is so it can reach a place called ‘not here’ and ‘not now,’ which it often refers to as:

  • ‘Now healed’
  • ‘Now balanced’
  • ‘Now enlightened’
  • ‘Now rid of all negative thoughts’
  • ‘Now inner peace’
  • ‘Now successful’

These are just other thoughts, so be aware of them and give them unconditional love (self-love) when this happens. What the intellect is looking for does not come and does not go and is always in the here and now, and that very action of looking elsewhere hides the recognition that everything it wants is always here and always now.

The intellect may try in every possible way to get rid of the old hypnotic programming/conditioning because it thinks that way it will become happy.

The Magic Secret Key is NOT used to get rid of any thought because it comes from the heart. In this context, it is used to be okay with any thought that appears in the here and now.

Therefore, when applied as suggested on this page, it does not matter whether there are many negative or positive thoughts, or whether there are no thoughts at all, because you are simply okay with what happens in the here and now and are not trying to go to a place called the ‘not here’ and the ‘not now’ that is naturally imaginary and therefore does not exist.

Keep Responding from Your Heart

By responding from the HEART, you have unconditional love (Self-Love) for what is happening, regardless of what it is.

In this way, you stay in alignment with life.

  • You remain neutral without judgment.
  • You offer no resistance.
  • You let everything flow through you.
  • You respect everything as it is (just like the silent space of the here and now does).
    • This is having unconditional love for ‘What is.’
    • This is non-duality (not two, no duality, one system), and non-duality is pure love without conditions. This is Self-Love.

Stay established in your heart, regardless of what is being thought or said!

Important Note!
When you respond from your HEART in this way, you may experience a lot of resistance in the form of thoughts that say, for example:

  • “No, it is not okay.”
  • “This is nonsense.”
    • “You are running away from the truth.”
    • “You don’t believe it is okay.”
  • “You are afraid.”
  • “You can’t handle it.”
    • “You shouldn’t be thinking this.”
    • “You are just fooling yourself.”
    • “You are going to lose your mind.”
    • “You are going crazy.”
    • “You won’t know who you are anymore.”
  • “You know I am right and you are wrong, and that’s why you are doing this.”
  • “If you say it is okay one more time, you are proving that it is not okay!”
  • “This is a stupid meditation.”
  • And so on.

Don’t Fall for This! Thinking (the mind) is a con artist, and it will try to sell you suggestions that you do not need and do not want.

Just like a ruthless salesperson, it will try to make you feel guilty and pressured so that you buy what he or she is selling.

Thinking (The Mind): The Hypnotic Salesperson at the Door

In the mental dream world of thinking, the hypnotic salesperson appears. He tries to sell you identities, ideas, and suggestions in the form of thoughts. Notice what he says and how he talks to you, but do not take him too seriously.

He tries to sell you beliefs, but you are not what your thoughts say you are.

Thoughts claim, for example:

  • “I am stupid.” (or “You are stupid.”)
  • “I am clever.” (or “You are clever.”)
Verkoper aan de deur

The hypnotic salesperson at the door, trying to sell you his suggestions in the form of opinions, perspectives, and beliefs

These are not facts, but opinions, perspectives, and suggestions from the hypnotic salesperson at the door. He offers you a uniform that fits a certain role, along with a story in which you wear that uniform.

For example:

  • “I am stupid.”
  • “I am clever.”

Thoughts want your attention and ultimately your belief. If you believe what thoughts say, you buy their suggestion or idea. You take on the role and put on the uniform.

The Effect of Believing in Thoughts

If you believe you are stupid, you will behave as if you are stupid. If you believe you are intelligent, you will behave as if you are intelligent.

Other people then see and respond to what you radiate. They confirm the role you have taken on. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s like walking around with a T-shirt that says:

  • “I am stupid.”
  • “I am clever.”

So it’s no wonder that people treat you as if it is true.

Is It True or Not True?

Whether you are really stupid or smart depends on perspective, opinion, and situation.

It is true and not true at the same time. It depends on how you look at it and through which filters you perceive it.

A Secret of Life

This insight reveals one of the secrets of life:

  • You are not what thoughts say about you.
  • You are the Consciousness in which those thoughts appear.

What is “the Truth”?

It completely depends on how you look and which filters you use to perceive. You can always adjust or change your perspective and your filters.

Thoughts Are an Opinion

The content of thoughts is an idea or opinion. They often use the word “I” to make you believe they belong to you. But that is an illusion.

Those thoughts do not belong to you.
Thoughts are temporary visitors in your house, offered by the hypnotic salesperson at the door.

And Where Is Home?

  • Where? Here.
  • When? Now.

The Here and Now is where you, as Awareness, reside.

Thoughts Are Impersonal

Thoughts are not possessions. They are signals, and you are like an antenna that picks them up. Yet they try to find an owner. They use words like “I” or “You” to convince you that they belong to you:

  • “I am a failure.”
  • “I am successful.”
  • “You are worthless.”
  • “You are worth everything.”

The hypnotic salesperson tries to sell you these suggestions. But they are not yours unless you decide to accept them as truth.

Every Thought is a Hypnotic Suggestion

Realize that every thought is a hypnotic suggestion because it can influence your subjective reality if you accept or reject it.

If you try to convince the thought that it is not true by resisting it, you are saying that the thought is important and that it must change for you (conditional love), and you enter duality (the mental dream world of thinking). This will only strengthen the thought, as resistance causes it to keep coming back.

If you simply accept the thought (suggestion) as the truth, it will become true for you in your subjective reality.

Either way, you give the thought importance and authority over you and allow it to hypnotize you (to program and condition you) with what it suggests is true.

So by remaining neutral (the heart because it does not judge) and transparent and not saying that the thought (suggestion) is good or bad (judgment, thinking, conditional love), you free yourself from it, because the suggestion is suggested by the thinking, and not by you ’the Consciousness’ that is aware of it.

The thought comes and goes, but you ’the Consciousness’ do not come and go.

Therefore, regardless of what the thinking says, stay firmly established in the HEART and respond to every thought (suggestion) with:

  • “And that is okay that YOU say that.”

Repeat the Exact Wording Back.
If you want to be even more precise, repeat the exact wording back. This is really fun to do! Make it a game :-). Here are some examples:

Thinking says:

  • “You are just fooling yourself.”

You respond from your heart with:

  • “And that is okay that YOU think I am fooling myself.”

Thinking says:

  • “You don’t believe it is okay.”

You respond from your heart with:

  • “And that is okay that YOU think I don’t believe it is okay.”

Thinking says:

  • “This is a stupid meditation.”

You respond from your heart with:

  • “And that is okay that YOU think this is a stupid meditation.”

Please note!
It is also possible and very likely, at the beginning when you use this Self-Love meditation tool, that you will experience MORE negative thoughts than usual. This is because this response acts as a strong magnet for all the resistance that is ‘behind the scenes’ hidden in your subconscious.

What the thoughts really want and need to do is express themselves honestly, and once they have done this sufficiently without any resistance, they can then leave because their work is done.

The content of a thought is a limited perspective and is therefore both correct and incorrect at the same time. It depends on the perspective from which you view it. 

Perspectives of the truth

Every thought is a representation and commentary from ONE fixed perspective out of an unlimited number of possible perspectives. It is good to acknowledge this because every perspective is TRUE from its own limited point of view.

It is therefore pointless to argue which one is more true than the other, because they are all true and untrue at the same time. It depends on how you look at it.

The underlying truth that makes it possible to experience all the different limited perspectives is that we all have the ability to realize, perceive, and therefore also experience what is happening from any perspective. This is always true for all of us.

So, when we respond to what is happening in the moment with “….. and that’s okay,” we recognize and acknowledge this universal truth, and in doing so, we resonate with the natural flow of life in perfect harmony.

So regardless of what the mind generates in the form of thoughts, keep responding from unconditional love with:

  • “And that’s okay that YOU say that.”

And realize how easily all the resistance of the mind is neutralized in the HEART of unconditional love and therefore also disappears more and more quickly. In this way, you welcome all thoughts with unconditional love, respect, and acceptance.

After they have received the recognition and respect they deserve and have said everything they want to say, they can leave, and they usually don’t return quickly.

If they do return, they are again recognized, accepted, and therefore respected with an honest response from the HEART:

  • “And that’s okay that YOU say that.”

Other ways to say this:

You could also say it in these ways:

  • “And that is now recognized.”
  • “And that is now respected.”
  • “And that is now observed.”
    • “And you are allowed to think / say / believe / suggest that.”
    • “And that’s okay that you think / say / believe / suggest that.”
    • “And you are free to think / say / believe / suggest whatever you want.”
    • “And that is your opinion.”

Start your day with this simple, powerful, fun meditation game for 5 to 15 minutes, or longer if you feel like it. Use it here and there for 5 or 10 minutes throughout the day whenever it suits you. Be playful and enjoy it because it is both fun and powerful at the same time!

Use it regularly in your daily life, and after a while, it will become automatic and subconscious.

Over time, notice how the quality of your life improves significantly because you respect everything life offers you.

And because you don’t try to resist, hold on to, or change anything, you stay neutral without judgment and can honestly say:

  • “Everything is okay just as it is.”

The MSK Game

Turn the process of neutralizing your thoughts in real-time into a playful and enjoyable activity with the MSK game. Follow this simple step-by-step guide and experience how your thoughts begin to change effortlessly.

Preparation: What do you need?

  • A pen
  • Paper (preferably a notepad with loose sheets)

Step-by-step Guide: The MSK Game

Step 1: Write down all your negative thoughts
Take a blank sheet and write down all your negative thoughts, one per sheet.


  • “I’m worthless.”
  • “I’m a failure.”
  • “I’m really ugly.”
  • “I’ll never be good enough.”
  • “I’m so stupid.”
  • “No one likes me.”

Step 2: Lay the thoughts in front of you
Sit comfortably and place the sheets with your negative thoughts in front of you, one per sheet.
Look at them and realize that these thoughts are part of your automatic hypnotic programming.

Step 3: Work through the sentences

1. Read the sentence aloud:
Pick a sheet and read the sentence exactly as it is.
Example: “I’m worthless.”

2. Respond from your heart using the MSK:
Choose one of the following responses:

    • If you want to trigger more thoughts:
    • “…and that’s okay for you to say that.”
    • “…and you’re allowed to say that.”
    • If you don’t want to trigger more thoughts:
      • “…and that is now recognized.”
      • “…and that is now perceived.”

3. Use a precise response (for added effect):
Make your response more specific by directly naming the thought:

    • If you want to trigger more thoughts:
    • “…and that’s okay for you to say that I’m worthless.”
    • “…and you’re allowed to say that I’m worthless.”
    • If you don’t want to trigger more thoughts:
      • “…and that is now recognized that you’re saying I’m worthless.”
      • “…and that is now perceived that you’re saying I’m worthless.”

Step 4: Apply the MSK to uncomfortable feelings

If an “advisor” (an uncomfortable feeling) arises, causing discomfort in your body:

  • Acknowledge that it is there and stay with it.
  • Notice where you feel it in your body and focus all your attention on it.
  • Offer it loving, curious, and gentle attention.

What NOT to do:

  • Don’t try to change it.
  • Don’t try to get rid of it.
  • Don’t try to intellectually analyze it.

These attempts create resistance and block the natural process of acceptance.

What to do instead:

  • Place your hand on the area where you feel the sensation (if you can identify it).
  • Be empathetic and curious.
  • Say:
    • “Welcome, you are recognized now, and you are allowed to be here.”

Recognize, respect, and accept the feeling without judgment:

  • Recognize that it is present.
  • Respect its existence.
  • Accept it fully without labeling it as good or bad.

Continue observing it—no more, no less—until it naturally fades away.

What is unconditional love?

Unconditional love means:

  • Recognizing, without judgment, censorship, or limitation.
  • Allowing the feeling to fully express itself.

The feeling can only disappear once its message has been fully delivered and received by you. Often, the message is simply: “Recognize me without judgment.”

This process is self-love: giving a painful part of yourself unconditional love.

Want to learn more? Click here: Apply self-love to uncomfortable feelings

Step 5: Repeat and enjoy the process

1. Whenever an “advisor” (uncomfortable feeling) appears:

    • Follow the steps of self-love (as explained in Step 4).
    • Then, read the triggering sentence aloud again and observe what happens.

2. If the feeling is triggered again:
“You are recognized, and you are allowed to be here.”

    • Offer it loving, curious, and gentle attention once more.
    • Stay with it until it naturally fades away.

3. Read the sentence again:
Repeat this process until the feeling is no longer triggered.

4. If the feeling is no longer triggered:
Move on to the next thought (sheet).
Work through all the sentences using this method.

During the process:
Notice how you feel and appreciate every small step you take. For your “character” (body/mind), this is a journey toward inner balance and harmony. Simultaneously, for your heart (consciousness), this is simply the silent space in which this process unfolds, because your heart is already balance and harmony. And keep recognizing: You already are your heart!

Practice daily: Make it a habit

Spend 15 to 30 minutes on this game every day—or longer if you like!
Playfulness and consistency are key.

What happens as a result?

  • You are immediately okay with any thoughts.
  • You neutralize negative thoughts in the here and now.
  • You remain in a neutral, heart-centered state, free from the duality of the mind.
  • You rewrite your hypnotic programming instantly and sustainably.
  • Thoughts lose their (imagined) power and authority over you.

With this simple game, you align your hypnotic programming more and more with your heart. The more you practice, the better you’ll feel. Enjoy the process, because this is the path of your “character” toward greater freedom, options, and a relaxed approach to life in the here and now!

Make the experience the goal, and in doing so, you’ll always succeed!


Want to discover more about self-love? Click here:

Apply self-love to uncomfortable feelings    


Self-love – The heart switch

Self-love – Write a hypnotic letter to your unborn self

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